External world

If you understand meditation, when you meditate, try to observe your surroundings as a third party. Everything that we can perceive is just our eyes, skin, ears, nose, and brain’s perception of the external world. If this physical body is gone, everything in the external world will cease to exist.

How to extend your lifespan? Consider human life as a mathematical formula. When you are young, it's like 6 + 9 = 15, with things on the rise. However, as you age, the formula becomes more like 60 -… more
The seabed is motionless as the waves roll endlessly on the surface of the sea. The waves are like the endless manifestations of this world, but if your consciousness can be as steady as the seabed,… more
When you miss someone, observe where exactly this "missing" is. Is it in your heart? In your mind? In which part of your brain? In which cell? Is it in the left or right side of your brain? In which… more
All of our emotions are virtual, they are just illusory information. Next time you are happy or angry, try to find where the happiness is, where the anger is. Is it in your head? In what specific… more
The Secret of Our World: This World is a Virtual World. 
You and your loved one are separated by 100 kilometers, and you feel that you are very far apart. But if you understand the theory of zero, you know that there is no distance between you two. When… more
Mental health problems often stem from the realm of 'information.' If you know how to manage information, you can eliminate many of them. In this world, there are only two paths to follow: the left,… more
Health implies 'no conflict' at the informational level. As long as there is duality confrontation occurring, people may experience health problems wherever there is information conflict. If the… more
Maintain a clear and tranquil state of mind. Avoid getting bogged down in a sea of information, which is like trying to see clearly in murky water. Only when our minds are like clear water can we… more
While young people may work hard to learn various skills, success is not guaranteed. However, investing time in improving one's mindset can lead to more friends, better relationships, increased… more
Emptiness means "ZERO" which is very simple yet difficult to experience because it indicates a different logic in how our system works and how one should "think." It offers a completely different… more
The adversities, unpleasant people, and various troubles in our lives seem to appear one after another, coming from all directions. They are like waves on the surface of the sea, one after another,… more
We enter the world with nothing and leave with nothing. Nothing material can be taken with us. Letting go of our attachments to possessions and desires is the first step towards true freedom. 
Zero represents a state of no hatred, no jealousy, and no conflict. All emotions are merely temporary and will eventually dissipate like smoke in the wind. We should not get caught up in fleeting… more
Information is simply information. It's in the air, you can't see it, you can't touch it, but it will come to your mind as a thought. In the realm of the "information world," there is no space or… more
Transforming our consciousness is the fundamental key to solving all problems. This transformation implies that our current human thought patterns might be leading us in the wrong direction. 
All the people and events that have happened in life are like the wind in the air, making you feel something but then disappearing without a trace. Zero is our constant state.
Every negative thought can become an obstacle in our lives and work. Even though it is just a thought, it will be stored in our minds in the form of virtual information until one day it will manifest… more
The person you're always looking for is always the wrong one, because you can only meet people who are on the same frequency as you. 
Everything we perceive in the physical world, such as life, career, family, partner, children, health, etc., is a manifestation of the information in our brains. The information in our brains is the… more